footprints on the sand

Christ In My Life

This is a meditative prayer when praying about your memories for Inner Healing and Spiritual Growth. If, however, you have been traumatized or deeply wounded in some way it is best you allow a trained professional like a Pastor or Christian Counselor to also walk with you during the healing process. It is Jesus that heals, however sometimes we also need human ears that God has called for the purpose of ministering to His wounded children. God loves you and wants you to get the best of care. I pray God will pour out His blessings on you and lead you to the healing He has for you.

This is a meditative prayer to pray for Jesus the Christ to walk with you through events in your life. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and bring to your mind what you should include or change. Pause each time you see the three dot… ellipsis and wait for God to move in your prayer. Take your time as you pray and reason with God (Isaiah 1:18) to better understand what He is teaching you during this prayer.

This Page also includes a Video below that can be used instead of the written Guideline Prayer.

Begin your prayer by first focusing on God…

Holy Father of Love, please sanctify me, my family, this place, this time and all I have been given in the name of Jesus the Christ of God. As a child of God wrap me in Your love. Jesus, help me focus on You and feel Your love, peace and strength as You spiritually walk with me, holding my hand, as I remember an event You want to heal right now. Bring that event to my mind… Help me see this event from Your perspective and understand what You want me to learn from this event as You begin healing my mind, heart and soul… Jesus, I trust You to make this a complete victory as You help me forgive myself and others when necessary… Jesus open my eyes to see what is important and to take hold and receive Your love, protection, understanding and guidance. Thank You for this victory, Jesus. Amen

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